Graincorp Oil Refining Towers

Client: JC Butko

Duration:  February 2015 – May 2016  |  March 2017 – January 2018

Project Value: $4.7 Million

Project Scope:  

Supply and installation of structural steel, grating, hand railing and cladding to new refining towers at Numurkah Oilseeds site. The initial tower was 36m high and required a staged building sequence to allow process and electrical works to be completed. Due to safety and access concerns CPE redesigned the roof structure to enable it to be assembled and sheeted on the ground and erected as one crane lift. CPE was awarded the same scope for a second tower which although only 28m high, included 280 tonnes of steel and 2,000m2 of steel grating. In addition to these two structures CPE was awarded numerous other works including extensions to existing buildings, PIR cladding and shutdown installations.

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